Monday, October 16, 2017

October 9, 2017

Today we talked about Engineering Ethics in our future Professional career. We first looked each code of ethics than worked on a few different situations and the activity took us to being the judge. Being an interesting view on each situations, we understood that the ethics code would back you up when you follow the rules. As long as you are honest with your work and feel truthful also would help your career. These codes would with everyone at the top to the bottom of a agency. I would definitely not forget the Engineering Ethics. Again, we worked on more Excel work. I forgot to save my work with the examples we done in class. But we worked more on graphing and how to change the graphs to our advantage. I recall doing the homework part assign to us but nothing help me get the right answers. In the last minute, I completely forgot that it still needs to be complete. There was a lot of converting involved with slugs to pounds and feet to inches. With everything looking equal, the pressure answer where off by 100's.

Monday October 2, 2017

Today we first talked about Progress/Interim Report. This is the head start to the engineering career  because they allows the manager to learn about the future of the given project. This was a great activity in allowing me to actually talk about what happened during my project. This was an easy assignment but it just the baby step for us as future engineers. Later, we had an introduction into Excel spreadsheet. I totally forgot about using the program, so this was just a refresher. All in all, I was reminded the importance of Excel and the ability it has to be used for anything. The work we were working was about life and death of certain generations. It was like playing GOD and having the certain generation to die off. Than it when to a nicer work in Data Analysis with creating a graph.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Maker's Space Day 4

Today was the day! I was very excited to work on this assignment. Seeing the Maker's Space was very intriguing to my eyes. It was kind of a like vision of any person's dream garage to build anything they want. Anyways having some experience with working at different manufacturing jobs. I know that safety was number #1. There was different section of the Maker's Space depending what kind of work you needed on. Finding out that you was prove yourself to have some experience on certain equipment. That was freaking awesome to hear but truly it save peoples lives from accidents. The equipment we get use was a little less than what I thought we would be allowed to use. Having some experience with the tools gave me an advantage. The only tool I had trouble with was the saw. I was just not able to cut my piece into a straight line. I had to use the sander to even out the sides. Since we did had the whole class time for this project. Most of us did not get to finish. I had to go back to the Maker's Space during Saturday morning. Happily I had a few classmates their. I finished drilling my holes with great help from a classmate. Now the next part was finding how to drill the M3 rivets for the magnets. Lucky the technician was very helpful in getting me the exact measurement. The drill was #40 for a 3 mm hole. This made it was easier for me to finish the project.

CAD Day 3 (late post)

Being late for class became a late disadvantage for me. Looking at everyone work on the training part looked hard. Seeing some people confused because they hit a dead end wall. They simply could not move forward. A few people in class did finish the training part and actually finished their model of the expo marker holder. That made me extremely helpful in this assignment. Finally I got a shot later that day to start on my training. I was happy to find that using my Mt. SAC email let me use Fusion 360 for free. It gave me the advantage to us Fusion 360 where ever possible. It took me about a 5 days with little free time to get the training done. I am glad this made the Expo Marker holder way easier to do. It took me at least less than 30 minuets. I could not be more happier. It is like I just had a baby and I felt like a proud father. I was more excited for the next class session to actually make this.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Day 2 (late post) Orthographic and Isometric Views

Today we learned the importance of drawings and design. First off we talking about the Orthographic views. It is important to understand that their is 3 different parts. You can say that these are multi-views of an object. Let's pretend that the object is in a cube. A cube has 5 sides of the object but only the front, top, and side views our needed. Another important drawing is that Isometric view. With my experience of this view. Its pretty difficult to start doing one out of the bat. The importance is that it's just the beginning. With more practice I can accomplish this skill. A 3D drawing of an object is what's an Isometric view. In both these drawing we must present dimension of each side and including circle or other important parts. We also must not the type of material and its weakness.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

5 interesting innovation that could happen in the future.

11.      Sports- Batter goggles used to predict the what type pitching style the pitcher will be using. Used data information on known pitchers in including: stance, motion, and finger position of the ball. Will allow batter to determine if the ball will land inside the batter box.
22.      Delivery - An app with certain companies that allow customer to know the following: driver, route and time. With knowing the route, the customer could submit information to the driver of a specific time. This would help with theft of packages which is on the rise today. Things do happen and the customer can change the delivery time within an hour.
33.      Internet- Since everybody has a modem/router in their house. Create small modems that can be built into every room in the house. Parent/user can set the speed and information of each modem. This allows everyone to use freely with dealing with lag. Also can turn off the internet use for children room.
44.      Gardening drone- A drone is used to study the garden. They store information about certain plants or trees. People are always busy. This helps they know when to water plants and reduce over watering. Also, information for fruit trees like when they ready to be harvested.

55.      People now use solar panels to save and have their own energy. How about light bulbs platforms that are similar? These platforms absorb energy from the light bulb and puts back to use in and around the house. No more using electricity from corporate companies.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

First day of Intro to Engineering was interesting. It was not complex but fun for the whole class room. We did not even go over the Syllabus for the class/professor. But we did get information on who Martin Mason our Professor. Later in class we had to design a new innovative technology that would help each other. My groups focus was with the issue of phone storage. Interestingly, we found out about OTG(On The Go) Flash Memory USB. It was basically like a laptop/computer USB Flash Drive but for Phones specifically. So we took it to an other whole level but introducing the Bluetooth capability. This was an awesome project which could actually come true. Who knows it could happen sooner than we think.